January 2012 sales data has just been published and for the most part, the industry is pleased. If January sales gains are a reliable predictor of 2012 annual sales overall, we can expect 14.1 million units this year. That compares favorably to 2011's 12.8 million, but still a far cry from 2007 sales of 16.1 million.
The indsutry is slowly climbing out of the recession. While the total sales volume is increasing, auto manufacturers are competing for their slice of the pie. Mainly due to the natural disasters in Japan and Thailand, Japanese auto makers suffered the most in 2011. Both Honda and Toyota suffered sales declines exceeding 7%. Chrysler took up the slack and increased its sales by over 26%.
What can a single month's sales data tell us about the remainder of the year? Assuming the greater economic climate does not worse, we can expect a strong sales year. What we can't predict is how the fight for market share will affect the auto makers' bottom lines. Hopfully, incentive will be kept in check. Then again, if you're in the market, consider a GM product, their sales were down 6% in January.
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